Membership of Byggnads

As a member you will be given help with negotiations, the protection of collective agreements, working conditions and the working environment. Other examples of the benefits of membership include personal insurance for members, household insurance and the insurance of agreements.

All who are employed in the union's field of activity enjoy the right to join.
Pupils at secondary schools who are taking courses on the construction industry programme and who are being trained to work within the field of the union's activity may be granted membership with effect from the beginning of the second year of their course.

Pupils are exempt from membership dues up to and including August of the year in which their school education ends. As a pupil you can share in the benefits of membership of the union, insurances and other matters but you will not be admitted to the unemployment insurance fund. If you take a summer holiday job between the second and third years, and in that way meet the conditions for membership of the unemployment insurance fund, you will pay half the normal membership fees plus the unemployment insurance fund dues. When you return to school you will once again be exempt from these dues.

You must submit a written application for membership to the branch where you work or live. It is for the branch committee to examine and decide whether or not to approve your application. If your application is approved, membership runs from the first day of the month in which your application is received. We want you as a member and you need us!

Application for membership of Byggnads
