
Andra språk/Other languages

Here you can find information about a membership in Byggnads in other languages.
Byggnads is the trade union for all construction workers working in Sweden. Together we are over 100,000 strong, proud and secure members. As a trade union, we work for better wages and a safer working environment. 

We negotiate collective agreements with employers, defend your rights at work and provide you with support in the event of illness or unemployment. If you are having problems at work - for example if the terms and conditions of your contract or wage are not what they should be - we are here to help you. With us you also receive various insurances and other benefits. 

Do you want more information? Read about why you should join Byggnads! Look over our membership terms and conditions as well.


  • You can never be fired for joining a union.
  • You have a legal right to be a union member.
  • You do not need to tell your boss if you do not want to.
  • Your membership starts today and forward.

Offer for new union members: only 300 SEK for the first 3 months

After 3 months, the fee is 560 SEK per month. Welcome to the union for construction workers.
29 JUN 2023 • PDF
Don’t allow yourself to be used! You are well aware that you have rights – rights that are protected by both Swedish law and collective agreements. These rights are the result of more than 100 years of struggle by workers unions. Byggnads' mission is to ensure the best possible working conditions for our members.

Personal data/Personuppgifter

Your employment/Din anställning

Your membership fee will be based on the wage you specify./Din medlemsavgift kommer att baseras på den lön du anger.


Recruited by/Värvad av

I accept Byggnads's terms and conditions for membership./Jag accepterar Byggnads villkor för medlemskap (Obligatorisk)