International work

International solidarity is important for Byggnads. Through international cooperation and support to unions in other countries our goal is to build stronger workers' organizations and better conditions for workers all over the world.

We maintain intensive contacts with our nearest neighbours in the former Eastern Europe.

International co-operation at a global, European and Nordic level

Byggnads' international work is conducted in co-operation with the global union BWI (The Build-ing and Wood Workers International), with the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) in Europe and with the Nordic Federation of Building and Woodworkers (NBTF) in the Nordic countries.

Byggnads' Solidarity Fund

Byggnads has its own Solidarity Fund which we can use to support partner organisations around the world. The Solidarity Fund of the Swedish Building Workers' Union is conducting projects in many countries near and far. The fund is currently focusing on the situation for migrant workers, especially those working in the Gulf States. The fund's money is being used to give them the possibility to organize.

However, money from the Fund is also being utilised for projects in a number of countries, and in some cases, for regional projects. BWI, the Building and Wood Worker's International, is participating in all projects and almost all are also receiving funding from Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Information about our international activities

You can obtain this from Christer Wälivaara, +46 70-388 00 13,
